What you’re looking at is a bunch of little dots which together form a pretty accurate outline of the city of Detroit. You can see Woodward going straight out NW, the railroad going due north. But this isn’t because of lines drawn on a map. The colored dots represent race.
There is a […]
Well, the first episode of ABC’s new series “Detroit 1-8-7″ about fictional police in Detroit has aired. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. It’s not the first tv series set in Detroit. The long-running “Home Improvement” was set in Oakland County (Royal Oak). “Martin” which lasted a few years […]
Detroit’s usually portrayed as a crime-ridden city blighted by urban decay and corruption. That’s true. But it’s not the whole story, not by a long shot. Detroit Lives shows the Motor City as it is: a diamond amidst the rough.
Thanks Jalopnik.
Palladium presents “Detroit Lives: An Urban Exploration with Johnny Knoxville”. Part 1 of 3.
Also […]
i3Detroit is “a collaborative environment for people to explore the balance between technology, art and culture” in Ferndale. Aka a hackerspace, “community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects.”
Hackerspaces have been springing up around the country and the world. While there are computer “hackers” (writing software, not breaking into […]
For a city that has historically produced so much stunning, globally endorsed music—post-WWII blues, gospel, Motown, radical space jazz; The Stooges, The MC5, and late-’90s garage rock; experimental hip-hop and electronic dance music so revered that it’s simply called “Detroit” everywhere else—it can be one static and lonely place. There are no adoring fans, […]