Via the New York Times which gives us another Sperling’s Best Places ranking (where aside from Ann Arbor, Michigan’s cities usually do poorly) but this time of the most dangerous places to live in America from an acts-of-God point-of-view.
Oklahoma, Texas, and much of the south and far west Midwest are at risk of tornadoes, like the recent massive twister in Alabama. Michigan does get some every so often, but not as regularly.
The west coast, especially California, is at risk of experiencing a Tokyo, Japan magnitude earthquake, and who knows if we’ll be as well-prepared for the aftermath. But there’s also a high risk of earthquakes in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, as well as South Carolina. Again, the Midwest isn’t completely safe.
When it comes to hurricanes though it’s generally the south. Not only is Detroit getting all the jobs whereas Miami, Florida is still losing them, but Floridians can generally expect hurricanes every year.