It’s a complete contrast to the bustling Marketplace in Detroit’s new Asian Village, where the crowd enjoys Asian street food just a few strides away.
Those few strides take diners beyond lettuce wraps and fried rice to the land of Fusia, where a French/Japanese sensibility combines the cultures beautifully.
Kawaiian Cafe, an artisan coffee/organic tea shop that […]
“In Toledo, The Best of Lake Erie West” magazine
One man is looking to boost the pride of people who live and work in the Toledo area, or what he calls “The best of Lake Erie West”, and he is doing it in the pages of a new magazine.
There is more to see inside “In Toledo.” […]
Detroit’s emerging riverfront development gets a huge boost next week when the long-awaited Asian Village opens on the ground floor of the Beaubien Place parking garage at 521 Atwater St., just east of the Renaissance Center.The destination has three components: the Kawaiian Cafe, an artisan coffee/organic tea shop; the Marketplace, with made-to-order Asian street food […]
The Ants of Gaia — it’s only the end of the world, so quit bitching
Has anyone seen downtown Detroit lately? Of course not. No one goes there any more. Miles of cracked pavement, weeds and abandoned buildings that look like de Chirico’s Melancholy and Mystery of a Street. Hell, for all practical purposes it is […]